Mother Mantra

"The hero of the Awakening must not lend his energies to battles that do not have, as their aim, a pair of wings."

Mother Mantra ⸻

Mother Mantra

The Mother Mantra tradition is founded on the process of re-absorption of reality, that is, on recognising that the events that happen to us are nothing more than projections, soul images of what we have within us. This aesthetic process of observation and understanding is called ‘soul-making’. The practices of the Mother Mantra allow us to realise that we are dreamers of the dream and no longer victims of events. The path of knowledge of the Mother Mantra is divided into two initiations, “Lightning” and “Diamond”, at the end of which one reaches the level of Bearer of the Mother Mantra. Subsequently, one may receive initiation as a Keeper, given exclusively by Selene Calloni Williams once a year in Edinburgh. Only Keepers of the Mother Mantra may transmit the teachings received to others.

Mother Mantra ⸻
I will accompany you to discover ancient practices, handed down from Master to disciple, which will help you rediscover the Divine that reigns within you and in every place. 

The Mother Mantra draws the tradition of the great Yogin, Bardi and Poets of the Himalaya, such as Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Yeshe Tsogyal, Machig Labdron and together that of the Schivaitian Tantrism of Kashmir, broadcast through revealed texts, like the Vijñānabhairava tantra, and by means of The work of Yogin Abhinavaguagta. It includes also some elements of Hindu tantamus, of the Penan Tantric and even of the Vedic tradition.

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