Forest Bathing
“the ancient Japanese art of immersion in Nature”

Forest Bathing
Forest Bathing, or Forest Therapy, originates from Shinrin Yoku, the ancient art of immersion in Nature through the five senses, practised in Japan. As a result of the industrial and technological revolution, the deep relationship between humans and nature has deteriorated increasingly, and is now almost imperceptible. We have lost the concept of Master Nature that our ancestors wisely possessed. Nature has become something to be exploited, rather than to be loved and cherished. It is essential to re-establish this marvellous bond and one of the most effective tools is undoubtedly the Forest Bath, a moving meditation through the beautiful woodland paths of Tuscany. Forest Therapy can also be practised in the city with the help of a plant or by feeling the energy of a tree outside the window. The forest thus becomes a psychic setting in which to take refuge and regenerate at any time of day. A real remedy for our being, which gradually reconnects to Mother Earth, regaining all its potential.

I will guide you through a wonderful walking meditation in the woods or an emotional meditation on the four elements, in which we will deeply feel that we are part of the Whole.

The basic approach of shinrin-yoku takes its cue from a major branch of medicine which claims that spending more time in nature may have some surprising health and immune system benefits by lowering the concentration of the stress hormone, regulating blood pressure, and regulating the heart rate. These benefits are said to be due to the phytoncides in the wood of trees, which not only release special substances into the air to protect against rot and insects, but also appear to benefit humans.