Crystal Therapy
"light in form, spirit in substance"
K. Raphael

Crystal Therapy
Crystal therapy is a natural practice that uses stones to restore the body’s energy balance and personal well-being. It has been practised since ancient times using the special properties of different types of crystals which, when placed on the chakras, the energy centres, resonate with the subtle body through the nadis, or energy channels.
During the practices, to further enhance the beneficial effects of stones and crystals, I use the sound of Tibetan bells and the aromatherapeutic powers of pure essences chosen according to individual needs. Each crystal therapy session lasts between 35 and 60 minutes.

Crystal Therapy

The properties of stones, crystals and minerals have been known and used since ancient times. The Egyptians and Mayans used stones for therapeutic purposes or to summon good fortune during divination or healing ceremonies. Each stone has a fascinating story that has often come down to us in the form of myths and legends.